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【Spider-Man bust】
The Amazing-Spider Man. Tadaa!
Some more super hero fan art, yay :) I've had this guy sculpted for maybe a month now, but honestly I've been too busy using my spare time to play video games to publish anything new (I had to finish God of War, and, well... then there was the Marvel's Spider-Man game, and now Assassin's Creed Odyssey...)
【Deadpool Bust】
Now prints without supports!
Seven months ago (as of writing this) I posted my Deadpool Bust model here on MyMiniFactory, and is currently my most downloaded model. That is great! I love that you seem to love it. However, since then I have learned a lot of and I was never quite happy with the first version, so it is with great pleasure I give to you the Remastered Supportless Edition!
【Thanos bust】
Thanos, in Infinity War, is a pretty interesting guy. He's a villain, but it's difficult to dislike him, right? Also he changes outfits a couple of times in the film, which I'm pretty sure is a continuity fault because his head also changes ever so slighty when this happens, so finding reference material was interesting and momentarily a bit confusing :)
So here he is. Thanos. Infinity War version. No arms, no Infinity Gauntlet, no fingers to snap. You should be reasonably safe putting this guy up on your shelf, should you choose to do so :)
(Turns out I'm a Xerox machine after all!)
This is fan art, provided for free, and I fully acknowledge the Thanos likeness is the property of Marvel Entertainment, LLC (The Walt Disney Company).